Konev’s book

In the begging of chapter 3 it’s mentioned that Ivan Konev the man who led the Red Army’s liberation of Prague wrote a book about fighting in Czechoslovakia and how Czechoslovakians and Russians had a friendship by fighting against fascism. “Soviet- Czechoslovak friendship, strengthened and tempered in the battles with fascism, became the unshakable basis for the cooperation between our peoples in the postwar period.” (Applebaum 81) The interesting thing about this is what blatant propaganda it is since Konev was asked by the Slovak Communist leader Vlado Clementis to get control of his men because of their horrible behavior. The book I’m sure ignored all the horrible acts committed by Soviet troops on the citizens of Czechoslovakia. This made me think did the people who experienced the atrocities tell their children and grandchildren and how did it affect the whole idea that the soviets kept pushing of we are united against fascism.

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